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What Drives End Users to Invest in Remote Services Technology?

End users are investing in remote services mainly to reduce machine downtime and optimize performance, but there are some discrepancies in how end users and OEMs see the technology.

Some opinions differ between OEMs and end users when it comes to remote services use cases.
Some opinions differ between OEMs and end users when it comes to remote services use cases.
PMMI Business Intelligence: 2024 Trends in Remote Services and Monitoring

Remote services are among several technologies to help maintain the smooth operation of complex machinery… But what drives end users to invest in this technology over other maintenance options?

PMMI Business Intelligence’s 2024 Trends in Remote Services and Monitoring Report answers that question, using survey input and interviews from 144 end-user representatives and 36 OEMs.

Remote services are a set of services and tools that can be used by end users to support their operations remotely, either internally or through a connection with equipment suppliers. It requires consumer packaged goods companies (CPGs) to allow remote access into their plants so that end-user staff and equipment suppliers can interact with machinery and offer support.

   Register for the February 12 Trends in Remote Services and Monitoring Webinar to learn more.

Remote services use cases for end users

The most important reason behind end users choosing to invest in remote services is reducing machinery downtime, with around 92% of those surveyed saying it is either somewhat or very important.

Latest in Remote access/monitoring
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